Save every time you shop with Groupon Coupons
If you've been following along for a while, you know that my blog is mostly about feelings. I'm a feelings person. Everything I do has some sort of feeling attached. I try my best to make most of those feelings good ones. And I don't particularly like writing about things I don't like. When I get the opportunity to work with a brand, I will NOT write about it if I don't like it regardless of compensation. If you see it on here, you can be sure it's because I like the product. In this case, this is a sponsored post, but I look at it as a bonus for writing about a product I truly adore.
With that in mind, I'm glad to be posting once again about Groupon.
Back in November of 2015, I had the pleasure of introducing Groupon Coupons to you here on my blog. Since then I'm happy to report they are still going strong and still saving me plenty of money both online and off.
A quick story for you...
My son recently got a hand-me-down drum set from a friend. He took to it pretty quickly and loves banging out tunes for us, which made us want to fix up the set for him. Our quest lead us to Guitar Center to find out how much the replacement parts would cost. While there, we found that buying a new-to-us (AKA: used) set would be more cost effective, so we did.
Now the only thing our little Josh Dun/Neil Peart wannabe wants to do is drum and visit Guitar Center. I love watching his eyes light up when he sees the newest arrivals on the sales floor. It gives me great ideas for gifts. I like to take pics with my phone for reference so I can come home and sneakily purchase that new set of sticks or the cowbell he was eyeing up at the store. But before I purchase anything, I check Groupon first! Right now, Guitar Center has over 50 coupons listed - most for online purchases, but with some In Store printables.
Look for yourself:
Of course Guitar Center isn't the only store Groupon has coupons for. There are over 11,700 stores using Groupon's services with over 79,700 FREE coupons.
Oh, did I mention using Groupon is also FREE?
So next time (and every time after that) you want to buy ANYthing, check Groupon first. You may be surprised at the savings you can get by simply taking one tiny extra step.
Some more examples of Groupon Coupon deals:
Check their site for even more!